So, this week I have been less concerned with making sure EVERYTHING is completed according to my will/desire/list and focused more on building up my children and my relationship with them. I tried to be more focused on being balanced instead of feeling like I had to do ALL of the housework and ALL of the laundry and ALL of my homework everyday, I made a quick list that was manageable (ex: rinse dishes, drop in a load of Isabella's clothes to wash, tidy up the office, two vocabulary lessons). And guess what? I found it to be MUCH MORE MANAGEABLE. Notice my list didn't include putting the washed load into the dryer. It made my list look too long. So, I put them in the dryer WHEN I FELT LIKE IT, instead of doing it because I needed to check it off of my list. Seems simple and almost weird, but it worked. I created a manageable list, completed all of it and then felt like I had more energy to accomplish more things, like put the clothes in the dryer, wash a batch of towels and dry and fold all of them too! It was kinda cool how a more balanced approach to my day made such a difference. It made a difference because IT TOOK THE PRESSURE OFF. No one can function well with constant pressure - I mean, even teapots blow a little steam!
And as for my relationships with my kids. Way better. I took some of the pressure off of them too. When my pressure was gone, magically, so was most of theirs. They were just a bit happier and intereacted well with each other throughout the day. They weren't perfect and didn't finish all of their chores, but oh well. I reminded them of their commitments to their daily chores and said, "Let's do better tomorrow." And, they did.
So, what did I learn from this? That I enjoy having happier kids! And I don't like being a task-master, although I am really, really good at it. I mean to think that MY OWN PRESSURE was causing extra pressure on my kids!!! Gah! They don't deserve that. They have a hard enough job being kids and teenagers and all that comes with that learning curve. So, I was able to catch a glimpse of how I would prefer to be and how I would like my kids to be, and ultimately how we all help each other accomplish that happiness. Wow! All from one little change? COOL!
As many people have learned, being a parent is very, very hard work. It takes practice and it takes falling down and getting back up and even apologizing to your kids when you had a bad day. It is a lifelong process where sometimes, the only reward is a happy family who loves being together. For me, that is the best reward that I will ever need.
Happiness, I believe, is the place where you can truly see how our Father in Heaven sees us. I am grateful for these glimpses in my life that keep me focused on an eternity.
Easter 2013 |
Thank you so much for your insights. They were very... very...very... inspired. I'm glad I was directed to read your words at this very moment. I had just said a prayer for strength. I feel better already. What great lookin' kids too!! :-) Sending you much love!