Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to School - Integrity

In preparing to send my boys back to school, I make lots of preparations.  I think most parents do.  We buy them clothes, shoes, backpacks and school supplies.  But, I wonder how often we prepare their spirits.  For those of us who send our kids to public school, we realize that they are in the mix of many, many, many influences.  Some are positive and others, are not.  So, I have been making some specific preparations to be influential to my boys, even when I am not there.  Since I have two boys who are in high school now, the desire to prepare them spiritually and give them good influences is a constant effort.  

I love this saying that my mother used to tell me all the time.  Now, she tells it to my children and I find myself telling my children this over and over and over.  So, I am printing this sign.  One larger print will hang upstairs in the bathroom that the boys use and maybe on the door that leads to the stairs.  I also printed smaller versions (4x7) so they can put in their planner for school or in the back of a binder.  The hope is that they will see it in passing so many times that it will become a little mantra constantly running or streaming in the back of their mind.  

Given all of the things that ARE running in their mind, its good to try to fold in some of these helpful, positive and motivation messages.  

This, my dear rising generation of warriors, is called INTEGRITY.

The practice of INTEGRITY will take you from ordinary to EXTRAordinary!

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